Postcode Loterij Nederland Promotions:Van Eeghenstraat 70.1071 GK,Amsterdam,The Netherland


Dear Lucky Winner,

This is to inform you that you have won an award sum of €1.000,000,00  (One Million Euros) from the Postcode Loterij promotions 2015,which is organized by the Postcode Loterij Nederland in conjunction with the Shell Oil Company.Your email
address was selected through a computer balloting system drawn from  Nine Hundred Thousand emails from Canada,Australia,United  States,Asia,Europe,Middle East,Africa and Oceanic as part of our
international promotion programs which comes thrice (3times)  yearly.Only Ten Email addresses were selected as winners,through electronic  balloting System without the winner applying or buying a ticket.Luckily,you  emerged
one of the winners,hence this contact to enable you file for your  claim.

These are your identification and winning informations:Ticket Numbers: 14-19-27-28-32-40; Award Numbers: 0137108AD/YH; Reference Number: NL-7802911MZ;and Batch

To Claim your prize,please contact our Foreign Service Manager through the providedcontact informations as below.

Mr.Larry Hans
Foreign Service Manager

We wish to Congratulate you in advance and please Do Not Forget to help the poor in your community when Postcode Loterij makes you a benefactor.

Yours Faithfully,

Mrs.Roberta Muller
For the Chief Executive Promoter

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